The first law relating to the Washington State budget crunch was signed last week. For a synopsis provided by the Professional Services Organization here at WWU (the unit I belong to, what with me being a salaried, exempt employee) can be found here.
There are a number of things in there:
There are a number of things in there:
- Pay freeze for non-classified positions (non-union) in the 2007-2011 time-frame. All things considered, I wasn't expecting to get one until 2012 anyway. At least it isn't a pay cut!
- Formalizing the hiring freeze with a few exceptions. Academic Affairs, the group Tech Services belongs to, is part of the exemption. So if my office mate dies in a horrible car accident, we can (theoretically) replace him before 2012. However, HR positions are NOT covered.
- A ban on equipment purchases exceeding $5000. There is an exception process requiring proof of emergency. This will be interesting to see work out, as a bunch of our stuff turns 5 years old next May, and that'll mean greatly increased support-contract costs. We'll be able to make the case that replacing the old crap with new stuff will save money in the 1-3 year range, but the costs will be over the cut-off. That'll be a fun fight.
- Formalizing the out-of-state travel ban.
Okay, on the one hand, that pretty well sucks because you guys are a bit underpaid to start with, compared to the rest of the industry. But, at least it's not a lay-off or a pay-cut. That's something, at least. Hang in there, man. I hope the cuts don't get worse for you.