Mac and SP3

Looks like AFPTCP in SP3 isn't 100% nifty:

01 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 B2 00 00 00 00 ................
00 18 00 2F 00 72 00 B2 00 BF 06 43 52 4F 4E 55 .../.r.....CRONU
53 00 00 9B 00 AB 00 00 16 4E 6F 76 65 6C 6C 20 S........Novell
4E 65 74 57 61 72 65 20 35 2E 37 30 2E 30 33 06 NetWare 5.70.03.
0E 41 46 50 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 20 31 2E 31 0E .AFPVersion 1.1.
41 46 50 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 20 32 2E 30 0E 41 AFPVersion 2.0.A
46 50 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 20 32 2E 31 06 41 46 FPVersion 2.1.AF
50 32 2E 32 06 41 46 50 58 30 33 06 41 46 50 33 P2.2.AFPX03.AFP3
2E 31 02 10 52 61 6E 64 6E 75 6D 20 45 78 63 68 .1..Randnum Exch
61 6E 67 65 16 32 2D 57 61 79 20 52 61 6E 64 6E ange.2-Way Randn
75 6D 20 65 78 63 68 61 6E 67 65 31 34 30 2E 31 um exchange140.1
36 30 2E 32 34 37 2E 32 37 00 00 01 06 01 8C A0 60.247.27.......

Note the lack of Diffie-Hellman exchange. Therefore, no 9+ character passwords. Happily, it'll take the first 8 characters of your 156 character pass-sentance, so long as you have a Universal Password.


Sweet, just as optimized as before. So would this continue to screw up the script that maps drives on OS X? Currently it won't accept more than 8 characters, and kicks you out with a bad password error if it's longer than 8 but those 8 are correct.

How it'll work once Universal Passwords are set up (which they aren't, but probably will be early next quarter), is that it'll take the first 8 characters of your password. Our test we ran internally an hour ago with a guy with a 10-character password, he was able to log in if he only supplied the first 8 characters of that password; it puked if he fed it all 10 characters. This is a slight, but significant change. Right now if your password is 9+ characters, it'll puke no matter how many characters you enter due to how passwords are handled right now.As for that script... I found a method that could reduce the complexity of that kludge-fest. But since every lab machine on campus would need touching, this is probably a Summer fix.