Browser usage on tech-blogs

Ars Technica just posted their August browser update. They also included their own browser breakdown. ArsTechnica is a techie site, so it comes as no surprise what so ever that Firefox dominates at 45% of browser-share. This made me think about my own readership.

Browser share piechart for September 09
As you can see, Firefox makes up even more of the browser-share here (50.34%). Interestingly on the low end, Opera is actually the #3 browser (4.46%), not Safari (3.43%). Looking at the version breakdown for those IE users, only 17% of them are on IE6. Yay!

ArsTechnica's Safari numbers are not at all surprising, since they cover a fair amount of Apple news and I don't.

So yeah, Tech blogs and sites don't have a lot of IE traffic. Or, so I believe. What are your numbers?