Last Christmas my parents bought me a 4GB IronKey. This is a nifty little device! And really, the gift of data security is rather thoughtful. And yesterday, it finally got the new firmware that enables Linux support!
Between then and now I haven't really been able to use it at work. And since transporting files between work and home is one of the nicer features of it, it has largely sat unused. But right this moment it is mounted to my openSUSE 10.3 workstation. This beats a floppy disk for transporting pgp/gpg keys.
Between then and now I haven't really been able to use it at work. And since transporting files between work and home is one of the nicer features of it, it has largely sat unused. But right this moment it is mounted to my openSUSE 10.3 workstation. This beats a floppy disk for transporting pgp/gpg keys.