I'm sure I'll make more posts like these as we get closer to the week, but here is my stab at the hot topics of Brainshare 2007.
Top tech topics:
What am I looking forward to? See the list of top topics, except for possibly 10sp1 all of those are ones I'm going to be looking into in some detail. Will I be taunting the Microsoft boothies? No, I have more respect for them than that. I do expect to be embarrassed by my fellow attendees at several points, but I'm still looking forward to a very informative Brainshare this year.
Top tech topics:
- Zen Pulsar
- OES2
- SLES10/SLED10 sp1
- Vista Compatibility
- Novell/Microsoft deal (I do not want to be the booth staff for the MS booth at Brainshare, they should get hazard pay. When mentioned during a Keynote, there will be booing).
- Where is the NetWare (a theme continued from previous years).
- Will it run on NetWare (lots of new stuff this year, and all of it runs on not-NetWare, see previous gripe).
- 64-bit everything.
- Virtualization
- 10sp1 introduces a newer Xen setup, but still no supported Windows VMs that I've heard.
- Groupwise 7
- Identity Management
- Even More Open Source
What am I looking forward to? See the list of top topics, except for possibly 10sp1 all of those are ones I'm going to be looking into in some detail. Will I be taunting the Microsoft boothies? No, I have more respect for them than that. I do expect to be embarrassed by my fellow attendees at several points, but I'm still looking forward to a very informative Brainshare this year.