In this section I'm going to compare the two access methods that didn't have any local caching, NCP-on-NetWare and CIFS-on-Linux. The margin of differences between the two shouldn't be as large as it was for the cached methods, simply due to the relative speed of the network involved being a major limiter for speeds.
While the results aren't as dramatic as they were for the cached methods, they are at least consistant. NCP-on-NetWare provides consistant and real performance improvements over a hardware-identical CIFS-on-Linux (Samba) configuration. Writing performance was much better in the file and record sizes we generally see on our NetWare servers. Large file sizes and record sizes were better handled by CIFS-on-Linux, but such access is a minority on our network. If we had a lot of video editing types around, I'd be singing a different story.
Part 6: Conclusions so far
In this section I'm going to compare the two access methods that didn't have any local caching, NCP-on-NetWare and CIFS-on-Linux. The margin of differences between the two shouldn't be as large as it was for the cached methods, simply due to the relative speed of the network involved being a major limiter for speeds.
Write: This test measures the performance of writing a new file. When a new file is written not only does the data need to be stored but also the overhead information for keeping track of where the data is located on the storage media. This overhead is called the “metadataÂâ€It consists of the directory information, the space allocation and any other data associated with a file that is not part of the data contained in the file. It is normal for the initial write performance to be lower than the performance of rewriting a file due to this overhead information.The graph for this test shows a strong correlation to record-size in performance. Clearly NCP-on-NetWare is much better at handling small sub-ranges of files than CIFS-on-Linux. Once the sub-range gets to a certain size between 128K and 512K (depends on file-size) then CIFS-on-Linux provides better performance. For most types of filaccesses our users use, NCP-on-NetWare would provide the better performance.
Re-write: This test measures the performance of writing a file that already exists. When a file is written that already exists the work required is less as the metadata already exists. It is normal for the rewrite performance to be higher than the performance of writing a new file.As this graph also shows, there is a strong correlation to record-size in performance. The point where CIFS provides better performance comes a bit earlier, but the general trend remains.
Read: This test measures the performance of reading an existing file.This graph doesn't show as strong a correlation to record size. The performance boost that NCon0n-Linux provides isn't nearly as strong as it was with the previous two writing tests. It seems to do best on files of 64K and in smaller record sizes.
Re-Read: This test measures the performance of reading a file that was recently read. It is normal for the performance to be higher as the operating system generally maintains a cache of the data for files that were recently read. This cache can be used to satisfy reads and improves the performance.This graph looks a lot like the "read" graph. As above, the performance boost isn't terribly great. File-Size/Record-Size combinations that give a performance difference in excess of 10% are rare.
Random Read: This test measures the performance of reading a file with accesses being made to random locations within the file. The performance of a system under this type of activity can be impacted by several factors such as: Size of operating systemÂ’s cache, number of disks, seek latencies, and others.This graph continues the trend of the previous 'read' graphs in that it isn't quite as impressive. Record sizes of 128K and smaller yield small gains, and above that line CIFS-on-Linux is the better get. With a few visible exceptions, most performance is also within 10%.
Random Write: This test measures the performance of writing a file with accesses being made to random locations within the file. Again the performance of a system under this type of activity can be impacted by several factors such as: Size of operating systemÂ’s cache, number of disks, seek latencies, and others.This graph shows very similar trends with the previous Write graph. As with that graph, the break between NCP-on-NetWare being faster and CIFS-on-Linux being faster is when the record-size gets in the 128K-512K range. In terms of raw numbers, the Random Write is slower than the Write test, but this is to be expected.
Backwards Read: This test measures the performance of reading a file backwards. This may seem like a strange way to read a file but in fact there are applications that do this. MSC Nastran is an example of an application that reads its files backwards. With MSC Nastran, these files are very large (Gbytes to Tbytes in size). Although many operating systems have special features that enable them to read a file forward more rapidly, there are very few operating systems that detect and enhance the performance of reading a file backwards.This graph looks like the previous 'read' graphs.
Record Rewrite: This test measures the performance of writing and re-writing a particular spot within a file. This hot spot can have very interesting behaviors. If the size of the spot is small enough to fit in the CPU data cache then the performance is very high. If the size of the spot is bigger than the CPU data cache but still fits in the TLB then one gets a different level of performance. If the size of the spot is larger than the CPU data cache and larger than the TLB but still fits in the operating system cache then one gets another level of performance, and if the size of the spot is bigger than the operating system cache then one gets yet another level of performance.This graph looks nearly identical to the 'random write' test before.
While the results aren't as dramatic as they were for the cached methods, they are at least consistant. NCP-on-NetWare provides consistant and real performance improvements over a hardware-identical CIFS-on-Linux (Samba) configuration. Writing performance was much better in the file and record sizes we generally see on our NetWare servers. Large file sizes and record sizes were better handled by CIFS-on-Linux, but such access is a minority on our network. If we had a lot of video editing types around, I'd be singing a different story.
Part 6: Conclusions so far