I just spent a quality hour fixing a little bitty big problem in one of our partitions. I've written about this before. The "Max Delta" time on one of the partitions was getting outragiously high, but only as reported on a couple of servers. What was also of note is that the Change Cache on some of these servers contained practically every object ever been through that particular partition.
Not a good state to be in, but not lethal. More of a resource suck than anything. Poking it with various sticks didn't work. What did it in the end was to declare a new epoch. But that hasn't cleared the Change Cache stuff yet, though that may just be a matter of time. We'll see. At least everything it talking now.
Not a good state to be in, but not lethal. More of a resource suck than anything. Poking it with various sticks didn't work. What did it in the end was to declare a new epoch. But that hasn't cleared the Change Cache stuff yet, though that may just be a matter of time. We'll see. At least everything it talking now.