I've said this before, but...

XKCD hit this one on the head. I'm sure nearly all of you read it, but for those that don't...

Spot, freaking, on. As I said, it isn't anything I haven't mentioned before.But nice to see in graphical format.

This specific case is for a "plausible attack on a weak remote web service," which is a different case than cracking stolen password hashes, but one that's a lot easier to carry off. Find a web-login system that doesn't rate-limit or lockout, and you can keep grinding on it until you get through. Length trumps complexity.


If you have intelligence that the target's password method is 3-5 common dictionary words, that problem is a lot easier to crack than "random string of lower-case alpha characters ranging from 16 to 70 characters in length". Still, it'll take a while. And for the remote attacker grinding on "admin", probably not a safe assumption.