Linux laptop update

Unfortunately, while the drivers do load and I sometimes get data, the wireless card is far from stable. Unusable. This seems to be a side-effect of attempting to run a Windows driver in a Linux bos, which is what 'ndiswrapper' is supposed to do. Running a kernel with a 16K stack helps it, but it is still unusably crashy. Darnit.

Happily, I learned that the office has a Cisco AiroNet 350 they'll let me borrow for the week. This is good, since this is an old card. And with Linux, old cards are well supported cards generally speaking. I'll find out how well it is supported tomorrow when it shows up. This is good.

And I'm liking thing 2.6.x kernel! Last year I went with a 2.4.0 since I understood it, and I couldn't get things like suspend to work. But 2.6 introduced that, and now "shutdown -z now" puts the laptop into a disk-suspend mode! W-a-y cool! Especially since booting this puppy takes too long to bother with if I have to shutdown/restart every time I want to use the laptop. It still isn't great, and it doesn't work when I'm in X-Windows, but it saves shutdown/reboot time.

Since I'm going to be spending time in text-land, I took the liberty of installing the elinks text-based web-browser. No need for X-Windows if I can do it all from console.

I also set up Evolution to hit both my private mail (SIMAP) and work (Exchange-OWA via the connector). Works like a champ so far. This'll help me keep in touch.

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