Backup speeds

They managed to find the correct combination of driver and voodoo and things are now talking. He was chorteling over a 700 mb/min backup speed earlier, of which I fully understand. When you've been looking at backups that barely peak over 200 megs/minute, seeing one spew forth at 700 megs a minute is cause for giggling with glee. And seeing a Verify go at 1600 megs/minute is cause for laughing out loud with joy.

Depending on how things go, we may end up picking up the fibre-channel interface for the Scalar. It'll allow our backups to stream that much faster, plus allow for future expansion in the backup-heads. The server that is driving it right now is a wee bit under-powered when it comes to PCI bus, so we'll start bottlenecking well before we hit the theoretical limits on dual GigE ports.