Monday, May 12, 2008

DataProtector 6 has a problem, continued

I posted last week about DataProtector and its Enhanced Incremental Backup. Remember that "enhincrdb" directory I spoke of? Take a look at this:

File sizes in the enhincr directory

See? This is an in-progress count of one of these directories. 1.1 million files, 152MB of space consumed. That comes to an average file-size of 133 bytes. This is significantly under the 4kb block-size for this particular NTFS volume. On another server with a longer serving enhincrdb hive, the average file-size is 831 bytes. So it probably increases as the server gets older.

On the up side, these millions of weensy files won't actually consume more space for quite some time as they expand into the blocks the files are already assigned to. This means that fragmentation on this volume isn't going to be a problem for a while.

On the down side, it's going to park (in this case) 152MB of data on 4.56GB of disk space. It'll get better over time, but in the next 12 months or so it's still going to be horrendous.

This tells me two things:
  • When deciding where to host the enhincrdb hive on a Windows server, format that particular volume with a 1k block size.
  • If HP supported NetWare as an Enhanced Incremental Backup client, the 4kb block size of NSS would cause this hive to grow beyond all reasonable proportions.
Some file-systems have real problems dealing with huge numbers of files in a single directory. Ext3 is one of these, which is why the b-tree hashed indexes were introduced. Reiser does better in this case out of the box. NSS is pretty good about this, as all GroupWise installs before GW became available for non-NetWare platforms created this situation by the sheer design of GW. Unlike NSS, ext3 and reiser have the ability of being formatted with different block-sizes, which makes creating a formatted file-system to host the enhincrdb data easier to correctly engineer.

Since it is highly likely that I'll be using DataProtector for OES2 systems, this is something I need to keep in mind.

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