Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have a degree in this stuff

I have a CompSci degree. This qualified me for two things:
  • A career in academics
  • A career in programming
You'll note that Systems Administration is not on that list. My degree has helped my career by getting me past the "4 year degree in a related field" requirement of jobs like mine. An MIS degree would be more appropriate, but there were very few of those back when I graduated. It has indirectly helped me in troubleshooting, as I have a much better foundation about how the internals work than your average computer mechanic.

Anyway. Every so often I stumble across something that causes me to go Ooo! ooo! over the sheer computer science of it. Yesterday I stumbled across Barrelfish, and this paper. If I weren't sick today I'd have finished it, but even as far as I've gotten into it I can see the implications of what they're trying to do.

The core concept behind the Barrelfish operating system is to assume that each computing core does not share memory and has access to some kind of message passing architecture. This has the side effect of having each computing core running its own kernel, which is why they're calling Barrelfish a 'multikernel operating system'. In essence, they're treating the insides of your computer like the distributed network that it is, and using already existing distributed computing methods to improve it. The type of multi-core we're doing now, SMP, ccNUMA, uses shared memory techniques rather than message passing, and it seems that this doesn't scale as far as message passing does once core counts go higher.

They go into a lot more detail in the paper about why this is. A big one is hetergenaity of CPU architectures out there in the marketplace, and they're not just talking just AMD vs Intel vs CUDA, this is also Core vs Core2 vs Nehalem. This heterogenaity in the marketplace makes it very hard for a traditional Operating System to be optimized for a specific platform.

A multikernel OS would use a discrete kernel for each microarcitecture. These kernels would communicate with each other using OS-standardized message passing protocols. On top of these microkernels would be created the abstraction called an Operating System upon which applications would run. Due to the modularity at the base of it, it would take much less effort to provide an optimized microkernel for a new microarcitecture.

The use of message passing is very interesting to me. Back in college, parallel computing was my main focus. I ended up not pursuing that area of study in large part because I was a strictly C student in math, parallel computing was a largely academic endeavor when I graduated, and you needed to be at least a B student in math to hack it in grad school. It still fired my imagination, and there was squee when the Pentium Pro was released and you could do 2 CPU multiprocessing.

In my Databases class, we were tasked with creating a database-like thingy in code and to write a paper on it. It was up to us what we did with it. Having just finished my Parallel Computing class, I decided to investigate distributed databases. So I exercised the PVM extensions we had on our compilers thanks to that class. I then used the six Unix machines I had access to at the time to create a 6-node distributed database. I used statically defined tables and queries since I didn't have time to build a table parser or query processor and needed to get it working so I could do some tests on how optimization of table positioning impacted performance.

Looking back on it 14 years later (eek) I can see some serious faults about my implementation. But then, I've spent the last... 12 years working with a distributed database in the form of Novell's NDS and later eDirectory. At the time I was doing this project, Novell was actively developing the first version of NDS. They had some problems with their implementation too.

My results were decidedly inconclusive. There was a noise factor in my data that I was not able to isolate and managed to drown out what differences there were between my optimized and non-optimized runs (in hindsight I needed larger tables by an order of magnitude or more). My analysis paper was largely an admission of failure. So when I got an A on the project I was confused enough I went to the professor and asked how this was possible. His response?
"Once I realized you got it working at all, that's when you earned the A. At that point the paper didn't matter."
Dude. PVM is a message passing architecture, like most distributed systems. So yes, distributed systems are my thing. And they're talking about doing this on the motherboard! How cool is that?

Both Linux and Windows are adopting more message-passing architectures in their internal structures, as they scale better on highly parallel systems. In Linux this involved reducing the use of the Big Kernel Lock in anything possible, as invoking the BKL forces the kernel into single-threaded mode and that's not a good thing with, say, 16 cores. Windows 7 involves similar improvements. As more and more cores sneak into everyday computers, this becomes more of a problem.

An operating system working without the assumption of shared memory is a very different critter. Operating state has to be replicated to each core to facilitate correct functioning, you can't rely on a common memory address to handle this. It seems that the form of this state is key to performance, and is very sensitive to microarchitecture changes. What was good on a P4, may suck a lot on a Phenom II. The use of a per-core kernel allows the optimal structure to be used on each core, with changes replicated rather than shared which improves performance. More importantly, it'll still be performant 5 years after release assuming regular per-core kernel updates.

You'd also be able to use the 1.75GB of GDDR3 on your GeForce 295 as part of the operating system if you really wanted to! And some might.

I'd burble further, but I'm sick so not thinking straight. Definitely food for thought!

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