Friday, September 19, 2008

Monitoring ESX datacenter volume stats

A long while back I mentioned I had a perl script that we use to track certain disk space details on my NetWare and Windows servers. That goes into a database, and it can make for some pretty charts. A short while back I got asked if I could do something like that for the ESX datacenter volumes.

A lot of googling later I found how to turn on the SNMP daemon for an ESX host, and a script or two to publish the data I need by SNMP. It took some doing, but it ended up pretty easy to do. One new perl script, the right config for snmpd on the ESX host, setting the ESX host's security policy to permit SNMP traffic, and pointing my gathering script at the host.

The perl script that gathers the local information is very basic:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
my $partition = ".";
my $partmaps = ".";
my $vmfsvolume = "\Q/vmfs/volumes/$ARGV[0]\Q";
my $vmfsfriendly = $ARGV[1];
my $capRaw = 0;
my $capBlock = 0;
my $blocksize = 0;
my $freeRaw = 0;
my $freeBlock = 0;
my $freespace= "";
my $totalspace= "";
open("Y", "/usr/sbin/vmkfstools -P $vmfsvolume|");
while () {
if (/Capacity ([0-9]*).*\(([0-9]*).* ([0-9]*)\), ([0-9]*).*\(([0-9]*).*a
vail/) {
$capRaw = $1;
$capBlock = $2;
$blocksize = $3;
$freeRaw = $4;
$freeBlock = $5;
$freespace = $freeBlock;
$totalspace = $capBlock;
$blocksize = $blocksize/1024;
#print ("1 = $1\n2 = $2\n3 = $3\n4 = $4\n5 = $5\n");
print ("$vmfsfriendly\n$totalspace\n$freespace\n$blocksize\n");

Then append the /etc/snmp/snmp.conf file with the following lines (in my case):

exec . vmfsspace /root/bin/vmfsspace.specific 48cb2cbc
-61468d50-ed1f-001cc447a19d Disk1

exec . vmfsspace /root/bin/vmfsspace.specific 48cb2cbc
-7aa208e8-be6b-001cc447a19d Disk2

The first parameter after exec is the OID to publish. The script returns an array of values, one element per line, that are assigned to .0, .1, .2 and on up. I'm publishing the details I'm interested in, which may be different than yours. That's the 'print' line in the script.

The script itself lives in /root/bin/ since I didn't know where better to put it. It has to have execute rights for Other, though.

The big unique-ID looking number is just that, a UUID. It is the UUID assigned to the VMFS volume. The VMFS volumes are multi-mounted between each ESX host in that particular cluster, so you don't have to worry about chasing the node that has it mounted. You can find the number you want by logging in to the ESX host on the SSH console, and doing a long directory on the /vmfs/volumes folder. The friendly name of your VMFS volume is symlinked to the UUID. The UUID is what goes in to the snmp.conf file.

The last parameter ("Disk1" and "Disk2" above) is the friendly name of the volume to publish over SNMP. As you can see, I'm very creative.

These values are queried by my script and dropped into the database. Since the ESX datacenter volumes only get space consumed when we provision a new VM or take a snapshot, the graph is pretty chunky rather than curvy like the graph I linked to earlier. If VMware ever changes how the vmfstools command returns data, this script will break. But until then, it should serve me well.

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