Wednesday, December 19, 2007

eDir 8.8 is in

And as far as upgrades go, it was pretty much a non-event.

Whenever you do upgrades like this you always wonder if those balls you're juggling are tennis-balls or grenades. It took about a half hour per server and didn't have any significant hitches. The one problem that did surface is that the OES1-linux server's LDAP server had its certificate change from the one it was using to SSL CertificateDNS. This was not good, as that certificate doesn't have the subject-name we need and this caused some S/LDAP binds to fail due to SSL validation problems. That was an easy fix. The LDAP servers on the NetWare boxes didn't change.

This was a tennis-ball upgrade. So far.

We haven't turned on case-sensitive LDAP binds yet, but soon. Soon.

One unexpected side-effect of getting all three eDir servers upgraded to 8.8 like this, is that the Change Cache is now cleaned of those permanent residents we've had for ages. Woo!

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