Tuesday, September 18, 2007

OES2-beta progress

As mentioned before, I have the OES2 beta. Right now I have two NetWare servers parked in Xen VM's on SLES10SP1. This is how it is supposed to work!

I haven't gotten very far in my testing, but a few things are showing. I managed to do a TSATEST-based throughput run of a backup of SYS. That's about a gig of data. Throughputs for just one stream to one of the servers was around 500 MB/min, which is passible and within the realm of real performance for slower hardware. The downside of that is that the CPU reported by "xm top" was around 45%, where the CPU reported in MONITOR was closer to 25%. That's way higher than I expected, but could be related to all the disk I/O ops. This I/O was to a file in the file-system, not a physical device like a LUN on the SAN (that comes later).

Now I'm trying to get Novell Cluster Services installed. I want to get a weensy 2-node cluster set up to prove that it can be done. I suspect it can, but actually seeing it will be very nice.

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