Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Lice-ridden backups

There is a reason I hate them.

I hate them because if they fail, we have a hole that we hope no one notices.

I hate them because they can always be a little faster than they have been going.

I hate them because they take too many tapes.

I hate them because the backup agents never perform the way I NEED them to.

I hate them because two otherwise identical servers can back-up at completely different speeds.

I hate them because we never have enough time to get them all in.

I hate them because we can never leverage the resources we need to get the damned things to work well.

I hate them because our backup server is a homebrew frankenstien that probably can't keep up with the brand spanking new tape library.

And most of all, I hate them because we get to manage the backup infrastructure with no budget of our own.


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