Tuesday, October 02, 2007

NCL 2.0 beta and Xen, pt 2

I now have server side and client side captures. The server side shows what's really going on. It is clear that those jumbos I talked about earlier are being disassembled in the Xen network stack. The client traces look similar to this

-> NCP to server
<- Ack
-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
<- Ack
<- Ack
-> NCP to server
<- Ack

With variations on the order. The NCP to server packets are all jumbos. From the server side it looks a lot different. The same sequence from the server side:

-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
<- Ack
-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
<- Ack
-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
<- Ack
-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
-> NCP to server
<- Ack

What's more, the server sees a marked delay in packets between the <- Ack and the first -> NCP to server. On the client side the delays are between the -> NCP to server and the responding <- Ack. I interpret this to show a packet-disassembly delay in the Xen stack.

What I can't figure out is how are the jumbos getting on the network stack at all? The configured network interfaces (except for loopback) in the Dom0 all have MTU values of 1500. I suspect NCL throughput for higher record sizes will improve markedly if it didn't force the Xen layer to disassemble the jumbos. Overriding the MTU on an interface is something that can only be done in kernel-space (I think) which would point to the novfs kernel module.

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