Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Novell Client for Linux beta 2.0 release on openSUSE

I have managed to get the new beta of the NCL 2.0 working on my openSUSE 10.2 workstation. This is very nice. Some nice details can be found here in the Novell support groups. My steps were rather similar.
  1. Install the referenced RPM. I did it with an "rpm -i [rpm-name]". Use the RPM for your processor type. I'm using 64-bit and it worked just fine for me.
  2. Run the "ncl-install" from the beta download.
That was pretty much it. It isn't perfect, but it is w-a-y better than using NetStorage and WebDav for this stuff. One area of inperfection is the tray icon gets smooshed.
NWTRAY getting smooshed
See that little sliver of an icon between the magnifying glass and the vertical bar? That's the nwtray icon. It's about 2 pixels wide. If I can click on it I get the full NWTRAY menu just fine, but it's hard to hit.

The other problem is the "Novell Services" button in nautilus. When I click that button, it looks like gnome crashes. I haven't been able to find out where the dump traces are going so I don't know what's up with that. If I access the services from the 2-pixel wide NWTRAY things work just fine, though.

Throughput still sucks, though. The Windows client is still better for that. But... throughput is w-a-y better than using a WebDav connection! Progress!

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