Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Brainshare time

Novell replaced the old NNTP-based brainshare forum with a web-based one supplied by Leverage Software. It's a social networking thingy designed to get Novell people talking to eachother, and undoubtably generating sales leads in the end. Since I'm deep into their pockets already (and have been saying NO to all kinds of things so I'm in practice), I created an account.

Join Me at Novell BrainShare Connect!

It seems that 'brainshare2007' is appended to each username, kind of annoying.

I note with amusement that BrainShare Connect is driven by ASPX. I know for a fact that BrainShare Connect is outsourced contracted out, so Novell doesn't have as much say about what the application is written in. Perhaps the only LAMP-running competition for the bid were small time apps that couldn't stand up to the task. Whatever. I noticed that it seems rather .NETy, but I'm not holding it against Novell.

That said, if'n you're going (and I know some of you are), you now have a way of finding me! Maybe see you there.


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