Thursday, October 21, 2004

Exchange features

Today we finally solved a mystery that had been plaguing us since we started moving some accounts from the old Exch2000 to the new Exch2003 servers. Suddenly some users were no longer able to "Send as" other users, even when they had full rights to the other user's box. This was sub-optimal.

I won't go into the troubleshooting steps because its embarrassing. But what we discovered is that in order to "send as" without having "on behalf of" show up in the From line, you need to grant the relevant group the "Send As" right in object-security. The Exchange rights have no bearing here at all, which is what threw us.

I can understand why this is the case. It is my experience that the higher up in an organization you get, the less direct interaction you have with your own mail and calendar. There is a 'people filter' in place to prioritize what you need to even notice. In order to facilitate that, groupware provides the ability to allow other users into your mailbox. No biggie. What is also needed is that even if they have 'full' rights to everything, they can't send mail AS you and thereby steal your identity. This is why there is a separate right for this feature.

For things like group mailboxes (e.g. "alumni", or "NewStudents") this is something we needed to know, since we do that far more often than the executive kind. No we'll get to see how many of our 'group' accounts have been using "send as" all along.


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