January 2016 Archives

Internet of Patches

This is a good recommendation:

As a sysadmin, I've been saying fuckno to things like Smart TVs and fridges. I do that game professionally, and I know what it takes to keep a fleet of software up to date. It ain't easy. Keeping firmware updated in things like... non-Nest internet attached thermostats (yes, they exist), the PC embedded in the fridge, the hub that runs your smart lighting, the firmware in your BluRay player, internet-attached talking dog toys... It's hard. And it only takes one for Evil People to get inside your crunchy exterior and chow down on everything else.

You can probably trust a company like Schlage to treat their software like a security-critical component of a network. You probably can't say the same about the internet-attached talking dog toy, even though they're likely on the same subnet. The same subnet as all of your iPads, MacBooks, and phones. Segmenting the network makes it harder for evil coming in on the, shall we say, vendor supported side from the more routine evils faced by general web-browsing.

Not that segmenting is easy to do, unfortunately.

InfluxDB queries, a guide

I've been playing with InfluxDB lately. One of the problems I'm facing is getting what I need out of it. Which means exploring the query language. The documentation needs some polishing in spots, so I may submit a PR to it once I get something worked up. But until then, enjoy some googlebait about how the SELECT syntax works, and what you can do with it.

Rule 1: Never, ever put a WHERE condition that involves 'value'. Value is not indexed. Doing so will cause table-scans, and for a database that can legitimately contain over a billion rows, that's bad. Don't do it.
Rule 2: No joins.

With that out of the way, have some progressively more complex queries to explain how the heck this all works!

Return a list of values.

Dump everything in a measurement, going back as far as you have data. You almost never want to do this

SELECT value FROM site_hits

The one exception to this rule, is if you're pulling out something like an event stream, where events are encoded as tags-values.

SELECT event_text, value FROM eventstream

Return a list of values from a measurement, with given tags.

One of the features of InfluxDB, is that you can tag values in a measurement. These function like extra fields in a database row, but you still can't join on them. The syntax for this should not be surprising.

SELECT value FROM site_hits WHERE webapp = 'api' AND environment = 'prod'

Return a list of values from a measurement, with given tags that match a regex.

Yes, you can use regexes in your WHERE clauses.

SELECT value FROM site_hits WHERE webapp =~ /^api_[a-z]*/ AND environment = 'prod'

That's cool and all, but the real power of InfluxDB comes with the aggregation functions and grouping. This is what allows you to learn what the max value was for a given measurement over the past 30 minutes, and other useful things. These yield time-series that can be turned into nice charts.

Return a list of values, grouped by application

This is the first example of GROUP BY, and isn't one you'll probably ever need to use. This will emit multiple time-series.

SELECT value FROM site_hits where webapp =~ /^api_[a-z]*/ AND environment = 'prod' GROUP BY webapp

Return a list of values, grouped by time into 10 minute buckets

When using time for a GROUP BY value, you must provide an aggregation function! This will add together all of the hits in the 10 minute bucket into a single value, returning a time-stream of 10 minute buckets of hits.

SELECT sum(value) FROM site_hits WHERE webapp =~ /^api_[a-z]*/ AND environment = 'prod' GROUP BY time(10m)

Return a list of values, grouped by both web-server and time into 10 minute buckets

This does the same thing as the previous, but will yield multiple time-series. Some graphing packages will helpfully chart multiple lines based on this single query. Handy, especially if servername changes on a daily basis as new nodes are added and removed.

SELECT sum(value) FROM site_hits WHERE webapp =~ /^api_[a-z]*/ AND environment = 'prod' GROUP BY time(10m), servername

Return a list of values, grouped by time into 10 minute buckets, for data receive in the last 24 hours.

This adds a time-based condition to the WHERE clause. To keep the line shorter, we're not going to group on servername.

SELECT sum(value) FROM site_hits WHERE webapp =~ /^api_[a-z]*/ AND environment = 'prod' AND time > now() - 24h GROUP BY time(10m)

There is one more trick InfluxDB can do, and this isn't documented very well. InfluxDB can partition data in a database into retention policies. There is a default retention policy on each database, and if you don't specify a retention-policy to query from, you are querying the default. All of the above examples are querying the default retention-policy.

By using continuous queries you can populate other retention policies with data from the default policy. Perhaps your default policy keeps data for 6 weeks at 10 second granularity, but you want to keep another policy for 1 minute granularity for six months, and another policy for 10 minute granularity for two years. These queries allow you to do that.

Querying data from a non-default retention policy is done like this:

Return 14 weeks of hits to API-type webapps, in 1 hour buckets

SELECT sum(value) FROM "6month".site_hits WHERE webapp =~ /api_[a-z]*/ AND environment = 'prod' AND time > now() - 14w GROUP BY time(1h)

The same could be done for "18month", if that policy was on the server.