The lazyCoder is someone sees a need to write code, but doesn't
because it's too much work. This describes a lot of sysadmins, as it
happens. It also describes software engineers looking at an
unfamiliar language. Part of the lazy_coder is definitely a
disinclination to write something in a language they're not that
familiar with, part of it is a disinclination to work.
It has been said in DevOps circles (though I can't hunt up the
A good sysadmin can probably earn a living as a software
engineer, though they choose not to.
A sentiment close to my heart as that definitely applies to me. I
have that CompSci degree (before software engineering degrees were
common, CSci was the degree-of-choice for the enterprising dot-com
boom programmer) that says I know for code. And yet, when I hit the
workplace I tacked as close to systems administration as I could.
And I did. And like many sysadmins of my age cohort or older, I
managed to avoid writing code for a very large part of my career.
I could do it as needed, as proven by a few rather complex scripts I
cobbled together over that time. But I didn't go into full time
code-writing because of the side-effects on my quality of life. In
my regular day to day life problems came and went generally on the
same day or with in a couple days of introduction. When I was heads
down in front of an IDE the problem took
weeks to smash, and
I was angry most of the time. I didn't like being cranky that long,
so I avoided long coding projects.
Problems are supposed to be resolved
quickly, damnit.
Sysadmins also tend to be rather short of attention-span because
there is always something new going on. Variety. It's what keeps
some of us going. But being heads down in front of a wall of text?
The only thing that changes is what aggravating bit of code is
aggravating me right now
[1]. Not variety.
So you take someone with that particular background and throw them
into a modern-age scaled system. Such a system has a few
- It's likely cloud-based[2], so hardware engineering
is no longer on the table.
- It's likely cloud-based[2], so deploying new
machines can be done from a GUI, or an API. And probably won't
involve actual OS install tasks, just OS config tasks.
- There are likely to be a lot of the same kind of machine
And they have a problem. This problem becomes glaringly obvious
when they're told to apply one specific change to triple-digits of
virtual machines. Even the laziest of LAZY_CODER will think to
Guh, there has got to be a better way than just doing it
all by hand. There's only one of me.
If they're a Windows admin and the class of machines are all in AD
as it should, they'll cheer and reach for a Group Policy Object. All
But if whatever needs changing isn't really doable via GPO, or
requires a reboot to apply? Then... powershell starts looming
If they're a *nix admin, the problem will definitely involve rolling
some custom scripting.
Or maybe, instead, a configuration management engine like Puppet,
CFEngine, Chef or the like. Maybe the environment already has
something like that but the admin hasn't gone there since it's new
to them and they didn't have time to learn the
domain-specific-langage used by the management engine. Well, with
triple digits of machines to update learning that DSL is starting to
look like a good idea.
Code-writing is getting hard to avoid, even for sysadmin
hold-outs. Especially now that Microsoft is starting to Strongly
Encourage systems engineers to use automation tools to manage
their infrastructures.
This changing environment is forcing the lazy coder to overcome
the migration
threshold needed to actually bother learning a new
programming language (or better learning one they already
kinda-sorta know). Sysadmins who really don't like to
write code will move elsewhere, to jobs where hardware and OS
install/config are still a large part of the job.
One of the key things that changes once the idea of a
programmable environment starts really setting in is the workflow
of applying a fix. For smaller infrastructures that do have some
automation, I frequently see this cascade:
- Apply the fix.
- Automate the fix.
Figure out what you need to do, apply it to a few production
systems to make sure it works, then put it into the automation
once you're sure of the steps. Or worse, apply the fix everywhere
by hand, and automate it so that new systems have it. However, for
a fully programmable environment, this is backwards. It really
should be:
- Automate the fix
- Apply the fix.
Because you'll get a much more consistent application of the
fix this way. The older way will leave a few systems with
slight differences of application; maybe config-files are
ordered differently, or maybe the case used in a config file is
different from the others. Small differences, but they can really
add up. This transition is a very good thing to have happen.
The nice thing about Lazy Coders is that once they've learned
the new thing they've been avoiding, they tend to stop being
lazy about it. Once that DSL for Puppet has been learned,
the idea of amending an existing module to fix a problem becomes
something you just do. They've passed the migration threshold, and
are now in a new state.
This workflow-transition is beginning to happen in my workplace, and it cheers me.
[1]: As Obi-Wan said, It all depends on your point of view.
To an actual Software Engineer, this is not the same problem
coming back to thwart me, it's all different problems. Variety!
It's what keeps them going.
[2]: Or if you're like that, a heavily virtualized environment
that may or may not belong to the company you're working for.
So there just might be some hardware engineering going on, but not
as much as there used to be. Sixteen big boxes with a half TB of
RAM each is a much easier to maintain physical fleet than the old
infrastructure with 80 phsysical boxes of mostly different spec.
[3]: Though if they're a certain kind of Windows admin who has had
to reach for programming in the past, they'll reach instead for
VBScript; Powershell being too new, they haven't bothered to learn
it yet.