Handling eDirectory core-files on linux

If you've been getting core files generated by ndsd on your Linux servers, and want to call Novell Support about it, there are a few things you can do to maximize what Novell will get out of the files themselves. You may not get much, but these will help the people with the debug symbols figure out what's going on.

Packaging the Core

First and foremost, you already have the tool to package core files for delivery to Novell already on your system. TID3078409 describes the details of how to use 'novell-getcore.sh'. It is included on 8.7.3.x installations as well as 8.8.x installations.

Running it looks like this:
edirsrv1:~ # novell-getcore -b /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/data/dib/core.31448 /opt/novell/eDirectory/sbin/ndsd
Novell GetCore Utility 1.1.34 [Linux]
Copyright (C) 2007 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.

[*] User specified binary that generated core: /opt/novell/eDirectory/sbin/ndsd
[*] Processing '/var/opt/novell/eDirectory/data/dib/core.31448' with GDB...
[*] PreProcessing GDB output...
[*] Parsing GDB output...
[*] Core file /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/data/dib/core.31448 is a valid Linux core
[*] Core generated by: /opt/novell/eDirectory/sbin/ndsd
[*] Obtaining names of shared libraries listed in core...
[*] Counting number of shared libraries listed in core...
[*] Total number of shared libraries listed in core: 72
[*] Corefile bundle: core_20080725_092227_linux_ndsd_edirsrv1
[*] Generating GDBINIT commands to open core remotely...
[*] Generating ./opencore.sh...
[*] Gathering package info...
[*] Creating core_20080725_092227_linux_ndsd_edirsrv1.tar...
[*] GZipping ./core_20080725_092227_linux_ndsd_edirsrv1.tar...
[*] Done. Corefile bundle is ./core_20080725_092227_linux_ndsd_edirsrv1.tar.gz

Once you have the packaged core, you can upload it to ftp.novell.com/incoming as part of your service-request.

Including More Data

If you're lucky enough to be able to cause the core file to drop on demand, or it just plain happens often enough that repetition isn't a problem, there is one more thing you can do to include better data in the core you ship to Novell. TID3113982 describes a setting you can add to the ndsd launch script (/etc/init.d/ndsd) that'll include more data. The TID describes what is being done pretty well. In essence, you're using an alternate malloc call that fails with better information than the normal one. You don't want to run with this set for very long, especially in busy environments, as it impacts performance. But if you have a repeatable core, the information it can provide is better than a 'naked' core. Setting MALLOC_CHECK_=2 is my recommendation.

Be sure to unset this once you're done troubleshooting. As I said, it can impact performance of your eDirectory server.