Migrated from Blogger

This is my blog. It used to be on Blogger. Now it isn't. Why is that you ask?

we are announcing today that we will no longer support FTP publishing in Blogger after March 26, 2010
Since that's how I'm publishing this blog, and I have no intention of hosting it on Google servers, my lone choice was clear. Get off of Blogger. So I've moved it to Movable Type from SixApart. I chose that over WordPress for a couple of reasons:
  • It allows the static publishing of pages.
  • It doesn't require a database hit on every page-load.
  • It is far less vulnerable to runaway-process slowdowns on this shared server (I'm too cheap for a VPS, much less a co-hosted server).
  • Bloggers I respect also use it.

One problem with using Movable Type is that there wasn't any built in way to import a Blogger-blog hosted on FTP. There are a few web how-tos out there for hacking around it, but they didn't quite fit. Also, none of them allowed importing either comments or tags/labels. I have comments on this blog, and I wanna keep 'em. Soon all the comments I have should be imported, in each entry here that had one, and linked to whatever URL the original comment had.

How I did that is for another post, for when I'm dead certain things actually worked. However, there is a bit of a deadline there. While I'll certainly share the perl script I wrote to do the data-massage, March 26, 2010 is the date it becomes useless. It might be possible to use it to migrate off of blogspot.com by way of creative use of wget/curl. However, migration from THERE will probably have actual plugin support for MT5.0 before too long and it'll be superfluous. But if it helps even one person, I'll feel good.