An exchange 2007 problem

While I was on vacation we had a few more instances of email going into a black hole. This is not good. I had suspected this was happening, but proof accumulated while I was broiling in the mid-west.

After doing a lot of message tracing in Exch2007, I noticed one trend. When an email to a group hits the Hub server, it attempts to dereference the group into a list of mailboxes to deliver to. It uses Global Catalogs for this function. When the GC used was one in our empty root rather than the child domain that everything lives in, this one group didn't return any people. The tracking code was, "dereferenced, 0 recipients". Which is a fail-by-success.

After a LOT of digging, I threw an LDAP browser at the GC's. What I noticed is that the GC entry for this one group was subtly different on the empty-root GC and the child-domain GC. Specifically, the object had no "member" attributes.

It turns out the problem was that the group in question was set to a Global group, rather than a Universal group. Ahah! Global groups apparently don't publish Member info globally, just in the domain itself. Universal groups are just that, Universal, and publish enterprise wide. Right. Gotcha.

Exch2003 did not manifest this, as it stayed in the domain pretty solidly. I don't know how many of our groups are still Global groups, but this one is going to take some clean-up to fix.