New web site

Novell just updated their web-site.

As in, updated in the last 12 hours or so, so expect some broken links for a while.

Another thing I noticed is a very slight rendering difference between Linux and Windows.

Top left of, from Linux
The page as rendered in SeaMoneky from Linux

Top left of, from Opera
The page as rendered in Opera from Linux

Top left of, from WinXP
The page as rendered in SeaMonkey from WinXP

It's a very simple lay-out thing, but it does indent the page that much. I kinda like it.

What I don't like is that the front page is very flash-heavy. I've had issues with flash on x86-64 machines, so I'm a bit burned by it. That said, I do realize that flash is about as prevalent as the ability to render .PNG files so it's a valid web technology.