Year in review: web-stats

So I won't have Saturday and Sunday in these stats. Big deal, don't care much. But heck, these are fun!
MyWeb servers
Total sessions 2006
  • Student: 436,048
  • Facstaff: 11,640
Total pageviews 2006
  • Student: 2,927,305
  • Facstaff: 760,077
Total hits 2006
  • Student: 8,178,044
  • Facstaff: 1,282,892
Total bytes transferred 2006
  • Student: 1.74 TB
  • Facstaff: 116.37 GB
Clearly, the Student myweb gets a LOT more traffic. A lot more bigger traffic, as the hits ratio is 8:1 but the data transferred ratio is closer to 10:1. Now, lets look at some averages:
MyWeb servers
Average pageviews per session
  • Student: 6.71
  • Facstaff: 65.30
Average hits per session
  • Student: 18.75
  • Facstaff: 110.21
Average bytes per session
  • Student: 4.18 MB
  • Facstaff: 10.24 MB
Average length of session (HH:MM:SS)
  • Student: 00:04:14
  • Facstaff: 00:42:21
THAT'S a difference! The traffic generated by the FacStaff MyWeb looks to be a lot more browsing, where I'd guess a lot of the traffic coming out of the Student MyWeb is one-off stuff like user-avatars in web-forums, and media files. The average session length is night-and-day, though; average session length of 42 minutes? Clearly there is a lot more 'dwell' on instructor sites than on the student sites.

At a guess, I'd say that students are using the Student MyWeb service more as a link-space than as a web-page host. Since that space is linked in with their home-directory quota, and also isn't bandwidth limited, it provides a much better experience than things like photobucket. Since items like avatars are files that get hit a LOT, icon-hosting is something of a bugabo and having your own host for that is handy.

One 125K JPG file is the number one hit file on the Student MyWeb for fall quarter, and is also the #4 file in terms of bytes transferred. This file is a Friendster background. Clearly, this person has a lot of traffic to their friendster site. Of the top 10 files-by-hit, 7 are clearly icons, avatars, or other 'personalization' images. On the flip side, all but one of the top 10 files-by-transfer are movies; this one lone (big) JPG file is the exception.

Looking at the Facstaff side, and 8 of the top 10 files-by-hit are components of web-pages hosted on One is the feed-file for this blog, and the other is an EXE file hosted by ATUS that seems to get a lot of off-campus requests. The files-by-byes are a bit different, in that four of the top 10 are EXE files from the same page. There is a PDF and three PPT files in the top 10 by byte, and only one movie.

Interesting stuff.