More migrations

One of the thornier pieces of migrating to a Linux desktop has been some background utilities. One of them is a Perl-based script that uses SNMP to populate a database about point-in-time free space on each volume. This script is the basis for how we manage storage usage on the SAN, for both NetWare (6.5TB these days) and Windows (the rest of it, less than 2TB). I first talked about it back in 2004. Also mentioned a couple times in 2005.

Well, now I have the same script running on an openSUSE box. I only had to add a single line, and uppercase one string. That's it. That beats the previous migration quite handily. Gotta love platform independent code!

The hard problem was getting the ODBC source set up. It turns out that openSUSE ships with unixODBC. When paired with freeTDS I was able to update the same MS-SQL database I was using on Windows. It wasn't five-clicks-and-wham-it-works, but it was a lot easier than the alternative I was pondering... JDBC. I'm not doing anything fancy with this script, just a bunch of INSERTS, so I don't really need a bullet proof ODBC setup. All of my reporting is still in Windows, so I'm not worried about that yet.

But... one line? And a UCASED string? That's one of the easiest conversions I've done! This script started life dumping to a CSV file, then dumping to an Oracle table, back to CSV once I got to WWU, then MSSQL.