Keeping up

Take a look at Hera's loading:

The break in the chart at the begining of 'week 34' is the point where I took Hera down to reformat it. The big spikes afterwards are all the Things I had to do to it last week.

The other thing to keep in mind is that the line before the break is formatted differently than after the break. Before, the green line was the point-in-time utilization of CPU0, and the blue line was the point-in-time utilization of CPU1. After the break, the green line is the 1-minute averaged load, and the blue line the 5 minute averaged load. Not exactly apples to apples. But generally speaking, if you add the blue and green lines together before the break you'll get and equivalent 'after the break' line.

The bit at the begining of the week where the blue line falls to zero and the green line gets really small is the time after I removed the replicas from Hera and before I turned it off. It was still getting non-trivial LDAP traffic at the time, but it was forwarding off to the other two eDir servers instead of serving results itself. Interesting.

I've already noticed that using iManager on that server will spike CPU quite noticibly. When I leave things be, load is about where I'd expect. Regular processing appears to be equivalent total load as before the reformat, possibly a bit less loading. What will be interesting is what the chart will look like once school starts up again.

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