Yummy stats

The quarter is coming to a close, so now is the time we look at disk-space. I've had these charts for some time, but I'm learning new tricks. Such as the Grouping function in Excel. I was a Crystal Reports person before coming here, so I'm slowly learning the Microsoft way of doing things.

Anyway, take a look at this:

That's a nice growth rate, that is. Between mid-june and late-august we had double-duty shared volumes as we migrated to a unified FacShare volume, which explains the big hump in the FacStaff line. We also do the big student delete in the mid-October to mid-November timeframe, which explains the dips in the Students line. Data collection artifacts are responsible for the spurious dips and peaks.

Looking at the rate of increase is our big bugabo. If you look at the rate for last year's student line, it blew the socks off of the FacStaff growth rate. The rate for this year seems to be pretty close on the student side, but the FacStaff rate appears to have matched that of the Students. This is probably due to a major, high usage, department moving to the WUF servers over the summer as part of that FacShare unification. As expected, the rate of growth of disk usage is increasing.

More and more students are getting into heavy multimedia or GIS, which requires more disk quota than normal. Also, quota usage is going up. On 5/27/05 the average percentage of in-use disk-quota for the student side was 6.11%. On 12/5/05 that percentage was 6.90%. The numbers on the FacStaff side are even prettier, with a 5/27 average of 7.29% and a 12/05 average of 9.91%! This does not represent a decrease in assigned quota by any means, it's just more assigned quota being used. The assigned quota for Students comes to about 10TB, which represents a huge oversubscription of space.

A much larger piece of the storage pie on the FacStaff side is taken up by shared storage. The opposite is true on the Student side. It is the rate of growth on the FacShare volume that is driving the increase rate of disk burn, not increased user-directory utilization. In fact, the "Class" volume on the Student side shows very little growth when compared directly against "FacShare".