Wiretapping data networks

The FCC recently posted an order that is causing concern. You can find it here. While the exact specifics of what it means are still being argued, the consensus here is that we have to provide the feds the capability of performing wire-taps (sniffs) on our data network after the appropriate paperwork has been filed. Not just VOIP, but other forms of data as well. This may come as a, 'well, duh,' thing, but the order specifically states, "facilities-based broadband Internet access providers," need to comply, and we figure we fit that definition even though we have no VOIP (that we know of) yet.

We won't be performing the tapping, just spanning the appropriate switch-ports and allowing them to plug their own equipment into our equipment. Since we are a University of a certain size, police presence in our network infrastructure is not completely unknown historically. But we must provide access.