
The saga continues.

Last week on advice from one of the folk in the Developer forums I did some network captures of the problem in progress. This the SFTP-not-working thing for those obsessive followers of this blog, just so you know. The entries in the logs were saying that SSHD was unable to create a user identity to connect to the remote directory, and was reporting an ENCP (Generic NCP Error) error. Not much with the useful.

However, on the wire there was a strange conversation that seemed to lead to the error being thrown:

SSHD-Server: Get Addresses for Resource, buffer size=1024
ResourceServer: -649 Insufficient Buffer
S: Get Addresses for Resource, buffer size=9129
R: [addresses]
S: [connection tear-down]

When I reported this, it apparently jives with a known bug in LibC. So I got a brand new LibC.NLM to try out. And since this is a fault on the SSHD-Server side of it, I don't need to get it into the resource server and the resultant reboots. Yay! So I've thrown it onto the SSHD/MyWeb server to see how bullet proof it is. The date of the NLM is newer than the Sp4 release, which worries me a bit.