Netware smugness

ftp: 24337981440 bytes sent in 1459.78Seconds 16672.35Kbytes/sec.

24 minutes, 19 seconds

That's is FTPing a whonking big file up to a Netware server, over NWFTPD. The two devices were on the same GigE switch, though different VLANs. This over-the-network copy took about as long as a similar operation took to copy the same size file to a different disk-partition on a Windows 2003 server. For comparison, copying to another Windows server, but with a 100Meg Ethernet at the other end would have taken around 7 hours. If I had another Windows server on the same GigE switch that had that kind of space kicking around, I'da done it just to see speeds.

The Netware server in question took the packets no problem. CPU jumped to about 15% during the transfer, which wasn't good, but it kept up. No ECB problems, either.