An observation -- not mine

"The problem with being IS and saying "we don't have time/resources to do this" is that people will do it anyway.

Pretend, for a moment, that the database and server resources you should be using is the I94 bridge over the Mississippi - many lanes, fast speed limit, well monitored and patrolled. A truckload of widgets goes across easily and smoothly, usually.

Now, take away the truck & the bridge, but they still want to move the widgets. They'll take what they can find "Oh, hey, there's this cable across the river in front of the dam no one is using - if we train a hundred monkey's to carry a widget each and put them in relays running up and down the river bank carrying widgets across for us, we can do the whole project w/o needing any IS funding. Cool!"

The problems now are:
1) Dead monkeys and widgets blocking the hydroelectric intake.
2) Barge captains running into the lock doors because they got distracted by BoBo.
3) Riverbank erosion and plant damage from widget laden monkeys
4) Large monkey breeding farms smell bad
5) We've already upgraded from small monkeys to large (Gorilla), monkeys are still not as good as trucks for carrying widgets"
-One Windswept Rose