NW6.5 & other things

So far things are going well. IManager is working fine. My dstrace screen is back now, though it oddly takes a few seconds to pop up. NDS is healthy. Timesync peachy. Monday I'll to the other one, and I hope to do the CA server on Tuesday.

You see, I learned about a really nifty enhancement to PKI on eDir. It seems that with the advent of NICI 2.4.0, which shipped with NW6.0, it is possible to export the self-signed certificate, delete the old CA object, create a new CA object, link it to a new server, and import the old CA-certificate. Thus preserving the CA, and allowing the CA-server to be nuked and rebuilt. W-A-Y cool. The Novell Migration Wizard is pretty nifty stuff, but if you want to upgrade a server without, say, upgrading it, this is darned useful stuff. Yay! Changing your CA certificate is a pain in bum.

It also seems that ResTek is interested in getting students access to their user directories and print to res-hall located printers from the ResTek network. Presumably on their own machines. This is an interesting concept, and I'm very curious to see how far it goes. Right now the best option is to install the Novell Client on the machines (*) and have 'em connect through that. Getting the ZEN agent on 'em would be extra nifty, and they're making sounds that such might be doable.

And I've had another contact from Novell regarding that Defect. No real progress, but it was a call-back. Glad to hear it. This particular problem has some political implications I was not previously aware of. It seems that the FTP process on the cluster is the last unsecured transfer protocol we have in use, and having to wait 12 months to get it secured would be... not good. We have options to work around the problem if it comes down to it, but all of them are kludges, and none are how we'd LIKE to operate if we were given the choice.

(*) Yes, best. You see, we haven't deployed CIFS (or NFS) in the cluster for a very good reason I haven't been told yet. We have AFP but it is far from clusterable, and only works through the magic of a script one of the guys in the office has built. But we don't do CIFS. Only NCP, and NetStorage. Oh, and we haven't used iPrint yet, so we're not about to turn it on on this short of notice. Perhaps later, but not now. Standards must be followed, afterall.